Friday, 31 August 2012

This is What Women Want

That's all Women want....
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..Plain looking husband

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...normal simple ring

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...small wedding party

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...honeymoon at any place

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...small house for the kids to run around

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...lovely children

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 ...husband is a family man

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 image to open in full size.
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...but work hard

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...small car for shopping

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...another car for kids

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...some collections

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Jagdeesh's Creative for each occasion

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...some nice outfits

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...a bit of cosmetics
...a bit of makeup

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...overseas trip once a year

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...more often on domestic trips

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... Presents occasionally

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...finally, some securities.

Excellent wishes !!!!  What about the Climax...
Final Stage of Husband after fulfilling those things !!
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Best Regards,
Jagdeesh Challa

Always Be Positive

I have gotten a  Best Example to show the Positive Attitude. Just have a look on the bellow. 

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Father: "I want you to marry a girl of my choice"
Son: "I will choose my own bride!"
Father : "But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter."
Son : "Well, in that case...ok"

Next - Father approaches Bill Gates.
Father : "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates : "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Father : "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates : "Ah, in that case...ok"

Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Father : "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president. "
President : "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!"
Father : "But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law."
President : "Ah, in that case...ok"

This is how business is done!!

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Moral: Even If you have nothing,You can get Anything. But your attitude should be positive

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Best Regards,

About Yourself (In Interviews)

I know that many people don't know how to introduce themselves during Interview Sessions.
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Well, as per my knowledge i have written few aspects which may help you to speak about yourself.

So have a look over here and enjoy.

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Well I am Jagadeesh Challa
basically i hail from Vijayawada of Krishna district,
i was born and bought up in Krishna district itself,
i hold my Bachelors degree in Engineering,
i am a Software Engineer working for(...Company's name......), 

prior to that i did my graduation from Nova College of Engineering & Technology,
i did my intermediate and s.s.c from Private  institutions,

(…….. pause)

My father is Mr Venkateswara Rao
He is a Business Man
My mother is a home maker
I have a sibling(brothers or sisters)

(…….. pause)

I believe that I am ever a result-oriented personality
i am pretty much dedicated to any thing I do.
i am very much optimistic.

(…….. pause)

I love caroms and shuttle badminton
I listen to western music.
I love making friends as well.

(…….. pause)

My short term goal is ...............(ex= to complete my training classes with confident)

my long term goal is..........(ex= To Establish a Software Company at my home town(Vijayawayda) or etc....)

My favorite palce is ............(ex= Switzerland, Istanbul, Wellington or London.)

(…….. pause)
and then at the end..

Thank u for letting me introduce my self.

Note: If the recruiter asks you to speak about hobbies and then make sure that to be genuine. 
Ex: If you said playing cricket is my hobby then recruiter ask you each and specific things in cricket. So be prepare to answer well about your hobbies.

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Lesson of Time

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:

Clocks time blue.jpg
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    *Time has the Capacity to change the cheep COAL to Costly DIAMOND*
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Best Regards,

Foreign Phrases Coverted in English Language


addendum: an item or items added
ad hoc: arranged or done, without pre-planning, for a single particular purpose.
ad hominem: connected to another person; personal.
ad infinitum: continuing or repeated without ever ending; endlessly.
ad libitum: according to pleasure
ad nauseam: to the point of annoyance or disgust.
ad valorem: (tax or duty) levied according to the value of the goods or transaction.
agent provocateur: someone employed to induce others to do illegal acts so that they can be
aide-de-camp: a military officer assigned to act as personal assistant to a higher ranked officer.
aide-memoire: something that serves as a reminder; a memorandum.
a la carte: a menu of dishes that may be ordered separately, besides the set meal.
a la mode: in the fashion; served with ice cream.
alfresco: in the open air; outdoor.
alma mater: one's former university, college, or school.
alter ego: another of a person's personality that is very different from his usual personality.
amour propre: self-respect; self-love.
Anno Domini: (in the year of the Lord) full form of AD
ante meridiem: a.m.; before noon; morning.
a posteriori: based on probable causes from past facts or experiences.
a priori: based on theoretical deduction from previous facts or experiences.
a propos: with reference to; to the point.
art nouveau: a new style of decorative art and architecture.
au fait: possessing considerable or intimate knowledge of something.
au pair: a young foreign woman who stays with and assists a family with housework and
beau monde: the fashionable society.
bete noire: a hateful person or thing.
bona fide: real, genuine, true; not deceiving.
bon appetite: used to wish someone an enjoyable meal.
bon voyage: used to wish someone a good journey.
carte blanche: full powers; complete freedom to act.
charge d'affaires: deputy ambassador; a subordinate diplomat.
chef-d'oeuvre: masterpiece.
coup de grace: a final action or event that ends a suffering or a deteriorating situation.
coup d'etat: a sudden and sometimes violent overthrow of a government by the army.
crème de la crème: the very best of a particular kind of thing or group of people.
cul-de-sac: a road or passageway that is closed at one end.
de facto: existing as a fact but not by legal right.
de jure: rightful; by right.
de rigueur: indispensable, e.g. to be fashionable; obligatory.
en bloc: all together, rather than separately.
en masse: all together.
esprit de corps: spirit of comradeship uniting members of a group involved in the same activity.
ex officio: by virtue of one's office.
ex parte: in the interests of one side only.
ex tempore: without preparation.
fait accompli: something done or decided without reference to interested parties.
faux pas: a social blunder.
femme fatale: an attractive and seductive woman.
Homo sapiens: human beings.
in situ: in its original or usual place.
inter alia: among other things.
in toto: as a whole; entirely.
ipso facto: by that very fact.
laissez-faire: non-interference in economic matters.
lapis lazuli: a valuable bright blue stone.
lingua franca: a language used by people whose native languages are different.
locus standi: the right to appear before a court.
modus operandi: a typical way of doing something.
modus vivendi: an arrangement for peaceful co-existence between conflicting parties.
non sequitur: a statement that is not connected in a logical way with the previous statement.
nota bene: note well after observing carefully.
nouveau riche: people who have recently become wealthy; newly rich.
nouvelle cuisine: a modern style of cooking from France.
par excellence: the very best, surpassing all others.
persona non grata: a person who is not welcome.
post mortem: an examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death or an event after its occurrence to find out why it failed.
prima facie: accepted as true until proved otherwise.
pro bono publico: describing legal work undertaken without charge.
pro forma: as a matter of form.
pro rata: in proportion.
quid pro quo: something that is given or done in exchange for something else.
raison d'etre: reason something exists or is done.
sine die: indefinitely.
sine qua non: something that is absolutely essential; indispensable condition.
status quo: the existing situation.
sub judice: a case under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion.
subpoena: written order ordering or to order someone to attend a court of law or be punished.
table d'hote: a set meal served at a fixed price in a hotel or restaurant.
tete-a-tete: a private conversation between two people; face to face.
tour de force: something achieved skillfully and in a way that impresses.
ultra vires: beyond one's legal power or authority.
vice versa: used to mean the opposite of a statement or situation just described is also true.
vis-à-vis: in relation to; as compared with.

Bad Words To Scold


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Retard = Mentally challenged (slang for mad these days)
You're silly = You're stupid.
Dumdum = Dumb
Fool! = (I think we all know what that means)
Idiot = We know what it means too.

Moron : an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's intelligence

Fink : someone strongly disliked
Neanderthal of nth order : an offensive term meaning displaying a lack of intellect, lack of sensitivity, and boorishness
Imbecile : insulting intelligence again.
Fiend : cruel or wicked
Monster : used for some one evil, terrifying and agonizing!

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Environment Elements

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  The environment is what is all around us such as air, sun, ground, sky, house, woods what we breathe, see and hear. It also has an effect on how we behave with them.
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marine life
Around the islands marine life is seriously threatened by oil slick.
to menace
Hurricane Hugo menaced the US coast for seven days.
natural gas
61 percent of US households used natural gas for heating in 2002.
oil slick
Large oil slicks were found near the coast.
Over fertilization is a common problem.
The cells need oxygen to survive.
ozone layer
The ozone layer screens out the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Ask permission for the privilege to cross private land.
The cat was killed by rat poison.
She has lots of poisonous plants in her garden.
the polar ice caps
If the polar ice caps melt, the ocean levels rise.
to pollute
Please do not pollute the air.
Air pollution is a problem for all of us.
power station
Power stations are only about 40 per cent efficient.
Rain, snow, hail and sleet are types of precipitation.
He is interested in historic preservation.
The prevention of litter is very important.
to protect
Russia wants to protect the environment in the Baltic region.
to purify
You can purify water with two chemicals: chlorine bleach and iodine.
Radiation is used for medical reasons.
Tropical rainforests are the Earth's oldest living ecosystems.
to recycle
This carton is made from recycled paper.
remedial action
The Great Lakes Remedial Action Plan Program was created in 1987.
A renewable energy system converts the energy found in sunlight, wind, falling water, waves, geothermal heat, or biomass.
There are two kinds of plastic bottles: reusable bottles and single-service bottles.
to screen from
You should screen your eyes from the sun when hiking in the mountains.
sea level
Death Valley lies 86 meters (282 feet) below sea level.
Sewage, used water, comes from factories and households.
sewage plant
The city needs to have a sewage plant.
Sludge is often used on agricultural land.
Soil is the top layer of the earth in which trees, plant etc. grow.
Benzene and turpentine are solvents.
Starvation is the most severe form of malnutrition.
The ozone layer is within the stratosphere.
About 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water.
to threaten
Toxic chemical substances threaten sea turtles.
The tide is in/out.
Timber is wood for building ships and houses.
toxic waste
A ship with toxic waste sank.
toxic waste dump
The toxic waste dump was built.
Trawlers, are not permitted on the lake.
Unleaded petrol is less harmful to the environment.
Coastal cities often dump their untreated wastes into the sea.
The urbanization is a world-wide trend.
waste heat
The use of waste heat will reduce electricity consumption.
waste paper
Recycling waste paper is a favorable method.
waste separation
Do you know how to do waste separation?
wind energy
Wind energy is widely used in South Africa for water pumping
Offshore wind-farms have been built.